Hi people; Today I would like to share tips on how to draw good sketches... The tips are from my years of experince (try and error) as well as generate from my readings. There are things that you need to consider whenever you draw:
1. Get the proportion, perspective and scale.. right!!:
What is proportion? It is the ratio of parts in relations to its whole dimension.. It covers but not just constriant to length, width, depth and height of an object.. it also about appropriateness of "placing, and sitting" of the object in an environment.. (foreground & background). Object that is out of proportion tend to appear like a cartoon or comic image and architecturally appears as weird and structurally incorrect.
What is perspective? Our eyes see things in perspective.. that is the object will appear smaller and smaller as the distant from it to the viewer increases. All parallel lines will also appear as converging to an imaginary vanishing point that is located at an imaginary horizon line. Good sketch need to consider arrange the image in a proper perspective projection.
What is scale? This is actually refer to measurement of things. To have a correct proportion we must get the scale of the related surrounding objects around a subject in the correct measurement. Even the scale of texture, structure or even line strokes and tones used should be in the right scale to achieve the best sketch effects.
2. Make sure the objects in the sketch have correct material and structural quality such as have correct and appropriate:
(Structure) a. 3 Dimension effects: Structural thickness with all the necessary: length, width, depth and height.
b. Structural form, joints and its relationship to the space its occupying.
(Material) c. Surface Texture that reflects on material characteristic of an object (using line stroke to emphasis the tones, surface contour, light reflections and shadow effects).
Below are videos from howtosketch blog showing applications of the tips above:
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