Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The most effective learning condition is to learn with your good emotion... Listen through of how being happy, smiling, and passionate tend to help you learning.. better understanding.. increase effective thinking.. thus no more forget.. hear here of the neuroscience of emotion-the interconnection of heart and brain...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Here is an exercise to reduce stress "knock your frustration out" & promote lean body:

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Taylor's University site plan

This road closure happening last Sunday but this site plan provide us with the latest site plan of Taylor's Uni. So far no other site plan of Taylor's as detail as this one as they do not show the complete car park area and the sport complex. Maybe this will help students with their project.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Sketch Time line example

Adriana's Questions: Just want to ask, for the blog, do we have to post our timeline based on the current timeline from every member's sketch, or create a new timeline?

One of the important aspect of this task is Student Centered Learning
SCL that is we leave it to student to make decision of whether to post
the current time line or create a new one.. which one is better will
depend on how comprehensive the timeline in looking at the evolution
feature of the selected built environment. Yes each student is
required to post their individual time line.

Cheers.. You only live life once so make yours the Greatest ever...

Smile :)) to the Great Life